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Worry Stones - Tear Drop Crystals

Worry Stones - Tear Drop Crystals

Regular price $4.00 CAD
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You will receive ONE worry stone chosen intuitively.

Clear Quartz for healing and spiritual growth. It’s an amazing amplifying stone, meaning that whatever you pour into it, will pour out tenfold. 

Obsidian is a powerful grounding stone that's known to shield against negativity and bring clarity to the mind.

Sodalite often associated with communication and poetry, aiding in balancing the head and the heart to align individuals with their true selves.

Flower Agate is a grounding stone that encourages new beginnings, growth, and transformation. These beautiful agates are blooming with flowers and will help you “blossom” into your full potential.

Amazonite often referred to as the Stone of Courage and the Stone of Truth, empowers one to search the self and discover one’s own truths and integrity, and to move beyond fear of judgment or confrontation.

Dalmatian Jasper is often referred to as the stone of joy, and it has a playful, childlike vibration that can help you release anger or feelings of hurt.

Banded Red Jasper is known as the Stone of Endurance, a gentle, but vital stimulator of chi, or Life Force, bringing physical strength and energy, stamina, focus and determination.

Yellow Jasper is a stone of protection and discernment. It provides inner strength and mental clarity. It's excellent for physical travel. 

Bloodstone is renowned for its physical healing properties, especially related to blood circulation, bone marrow, and purification levels in the blood, and it also offers emotional resilience, strength, and courage.

Lapis Lazuli often referred to as the "wisdom keeper," is believed to possess the ability to enlighten the mind and lead to self-awareness.

Mahogany Obsidian is said to increase sexuality and sensuality, most notably the sense of touch. Obsidian reminds us that birth and death are simultaneously and constantly present, and has always been associated with guardian spirits that watch over us.

Rhodonite is celebrated for its emotional and spiritual healing prowess, helping to dissolve walls around the heart, fostering self-love, and guiding individuals towards their higher truth.

Unakite is said to be a stone of vision, opening the third eye and useful for scrying. It is also believed to be a stone of balance, grounding the self while bringing emotions and spirituality together.

These are 24 mm x 16 mm

As these are natural crystals, no two will be exactly alike. Please allow for minor blemishing and slight variations.

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